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Update: The Role of EIHA and the Hemp Industry

The European Industrial Hemp Association, otherwise known as the EIHA, is dedicated to changing the mindset of European leaders and governments on hemp as a respected, promoted, and legislated product.

Currently, the production of hemp faces many challenges across the EU despite the economic and environmental benefits it can potentially generate.

The EIHA believes ‘decisive action’ is required to combat the current European stance on the hemp industry. In line with this, EIHA has published its “Hemp Manifesto” to broadcast the positive economic and ecological impact of the hemp industry.

ElleVance’s Role in the EIHA’s Hemp Manifesto

On Monday 15th June, ElleVance attended the General Meeting headed by the EIHA. As a Regular Member, ElleVance is involved in decisions made by the EIHA.

ElleVance is responsible for providing content found in the EIHA’s Hemp Manifesto and is dedicated to supporting the whole hemp industry throughout Europe.

Issues of Unregulated Markets

Considering COVID-19, many hemp businesses across Europe have been put on pause as they are not considered as an ‘essential business.’ This has unfortunately caused a growth in unregulated cannabis markets.

With this concern brought to attention, the EIHA emphasised how and why the hemp industry should be considered as an ‘essential business.’ Not just because of its environmental benefits, but also due to its positive economic impact across the whole continent.

Hemp trees

EIHA, the Economy and the Hemp Industry

The EIHA’s Hemp Manifesto beholds that growing hemp plant is a sustainable, CO2 negative source of primary materials for the manufacturing of a variety of products. As such, it can play a crucial role in industries like paper, textiles, building materials, pharmaceuticals, food and food supplements (including extracts in products like CBD capsules and oils).

New Frontier Data highlight how Volvo uses industrial hemp in their ‘eco range’ for door panels and dashboards. There is much scope for hemp for businesses who can and want to use it.

Much of hemp’s attraction comes from its low environmental impact. Firstly, no part of the hemp part is wasted; the seeds, plant, flower, and stalk can all be used.

Another fundamental fact about hemp is how it acts as a carbon sink. Which essentially means that the plant removes more CO2 than what it produces. In figures, hemp captures CO2 in a ratio of 13.4 tons of CO2 per hectare (10 tons per acre).

The EIHA’s Hemp Manifesto stresses how hemp can make a significant contribution towards a zero-emission, bio-based and sustainable economy, as outlined in the European Green Deal and the Paris Climate Agreement.

For a more in-depth overview of the EIHA’s Hemp Manifesto, please take a look at our article on how hemp can help the environment and the economy.

ElleVance believes in the use of hemp for the health of people and the environment. For more information on products, please visit our website or contact us through our website or social media channels!

Birds eye view of crop being farmed

Report: How Hemp Can Help the Environment and the Economy

Concerns over how environmental damage will impact the economy in Europe have been growing for some time as research figures show an increase in unsustainable farming and manufacturing practices to help keep up with the demand of the growing population.

The Hemp Manifesto

In a report by the European Industrial Hemp Association, they predict that the already slowing European economy will continue to decline, causing unemployment and financial strain.

The report looks into the potential of the European hemp sector as a way to encourage a greener and more sustainable economy that can support long-term growth.

How Can Hemp Farming be Sustainable?

Hemp is known to be a particularly versatile crop, and its various qualities make it a key player in the future of sustainable agriculture.

Hemp is a Carbon Sink

Hemp’s deep root system acts as a carbon sink by fixing CO2 to the soil, which is incredibly important in taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. As biomass, hemp also stores further carbon.

Power stations producing greenhouse gasses

Hemp Produces Zero Waste

Hemp can be transformed into a vast number of products including paper, textiles, insulation material, ropes, bioplastics, animal feed, fuel and compost. All parts of the plant, the roots, stalks, flowers and seeds are used in the manufacture of these products, meaning there is zero organic waste.

Hemp is a Catch Crop

Thanks to its fast-growing nature, hemp can be used as a catch crop which can improve revenue for farmers. In agriculture, a catch crop is a crop that can be grown between the plantings of a main crop. There is also evidence that growing hemp can improve the yield of the main crop as its root system takes heavy metals away from the soil, thus improving soil health.

Hemp Needs Fewer Inputs

Hemp is robust, and as a result, it needs fewer inputs than most other fibre crops, such as cotton; lower doses of pesticides, herbicides and water are also required. Manure and other natural materials total 50% of the fertilisers used.

Hemp plants growing on a farm

How Can Hemp Farming Help the Economy?

The report states that, to allow for hemp production to support the economy, changes need to be made to policies across the EU and to the overall way we view hemp products.

· The use of hemp as food, feed and manufactured products should be promoted.
· Hemp farming’s environmental benefits need to be recognised.
· Drug control legislations should not apply to hemp or its products, providing they meet the requirement for minimum THC content.
· On field maximum THC should be restored to 0.3% to align with international standards.
· All EU countries should allow all parts of the plant to be used or marketed – currently, some do not allow the use of the leaves and flowers.
· Hemp should not be considered as a novel food.
· Guidance for THC in food and feed should be revised and reasonably established – the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) considers the current guidance to be outdated and strict.
· All hemp-derived raw materials should be allowed as ingredients for cosmetics.
· The EU should establish a sustainable value chain for hemp by encouraging its use in the production of short and long fibres for textiles and offering early producers incentives and training.
· Using hemp in construction in both the public and private sector should be incentivised over the use of less sustainable materials.

This data is an encouraging overview of the possibilities of hemp both as a crop and a product providing European governments are willing to make changes.

ElleVance believes in the use of hemp for the health of people and the environment. For more information on our CBD oil drops and products, please visit our website or contact us.

many phones being help in the middle of a table

Not Just Another Trend: The Rise of CBD

We tend to see products and fads come and go faster than ever before, aided by social media influencers and celebrity endorsements. Often, these products have little or no real benefit or use and are quickly pushed aside for the next big thing.

Occasionally, however, something comes along that contradicts the norm, and we find ourselves presented with a product that may have a real benefit. Recent years have revealed that CBD appears to be one of these products.

In this article, we take a look at how CBD has risen in the last few years, why it became so popular, and where it’s headed in the future.

ElleVance's hemp fields in Colorado

Where Has CBD Come From?

Hemp has been used for medicinal purposes for nearly 5,000 years (the first records of its use date back to 2,900 BC, in ancient China). Cannabidiol (CBD), however, was not discovered until 1940, when Dr Roger Adams’ team isolated the molecule. CBD medicinal properties were elucidated some 40 years later but, by then, Cannabis plants were forbidden, and massive use of CBD was therefore inconceivable.

With time, we were able to isolate CBD from the psychoactive cannabinoids in hemp and its popular use started to gain momentum. In 2010, the UK approved the first prescription cannabis medicine (Sativex®) and in 2019 the European Medicines Agency approved the first CBD-based medicine (Epidyolex®).

The combination of the depenalisation of hemp and CBD with the scientific efforts invested in better understanding hemp derivates benefits have boosted the popularity of CBD across the world.

Hemp is the Ideal Crop

Farmers quickly realised that hemp is a great crop to cultivate compared to others like corn and cotton. Hemp plants are resilient, fast-growing and require less water, fertiliser, pesticides, and herbicides.

It became easy for farmers to meet the rising demand for hemp extract to use in the production of CBD products.

Why Has CBD Become So Popular?

With a regular supply of quality hemp, the CBD industry could go about creating, testing and marketing a variety of products, which were met with a definite interest from the public.

This demand, combined with compelling scientific research on the benefits of pharmaceutical-grade CBD, led to a sharp increase in the popularity of the product. Spurred on by a significant number of testimonials from both the general public and sporting names, CBD has quickly become a universal product.

Why is CBD Not Just Another Trend?

In today’s terms, a trend is something that isn’t expected to last and will be popular for a short amount of time, followed by a sudden, and often careless, drop off of the radar.

While CBD is undoubtedly spending some time in the limelight, many are not characterising it as a fashion or trend. The amount of scientific research going into hemp derivates and the gradually increasing regulations on CBD is securing a place for CBD and other cannabinoid-based products in the shelves of pharmacies, health shops and beauty salons.

CBD is Different

The ongoing research of the benefits of CBD products, along with its continued endorsement by thousands of users, appears to have solidified its place in today’s mainstream, with no sign of it dropping out.

Besides, its reputation has only been strengthened by the World Anti-Doping Agency’s decision to remove CBD from its list of prohibited substances for two years running.

picture of a hemp plant

Where Can I Buy CBD?

Unfortunately, as is often the case, with the rise in popularity of a product comes a plethora of companies offering the same thing in varying quality.

CBD is available to purchase legally in the UK both in shops and online; however, buyers should proceed with caution. Some companies offer CBD products with little or no active ingredient, which results in minimal, if any, perceivable benefit.

Furthermore, there are even more out there who offer a poor-quality product consisting of CBD isolates, which only provide partial support.

Always Look for a Full-Spectrum Product

The most effective CBD products are what are known as full-spectrum. Full-spectrum (or whole plant) extracts contain not only CBD but also other cannabinoids (like CBDA), terpenes and flavonoids.

All these natural chemicals work together to achieve a better result in what is known as “the entourage effect”. Furthermore, companies who are confident with the quality and strength of their products will happily share with their customers the results of independent laboratory tests to prove their authenticity.

The most important thing to remember is to research a company before purchasing CBD from them properly.

fingers pointing at a laptop


While there is no doubt that CBD is having a moment, the industry, scientists, and regulators behind it do not show signs of plateauing, which suggest that it is here to stay. In the future, we are looking forward to the results of in-depth, further research on the effects of CBD and its interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system.

For more information on CBD oil and other products, please feel free to explore the ElleVance Sciences website. As the providers of maximum strength full-spectrum CBD products, we are happy to share with our customer’s further details and lab reports; please contact us at customersupport@ellevancesciences.co.uk.

Bees going into a hive

How Growing Hemp Has a Positive Impact on the Environment

Hemp can be used for a surprising number of products; it is a lower-impact substitute to cotton and plastic, and can be used as a biofuel, paper and even a healthy food! With the health of the environment a deservingly hot-topic, industries, businesses and individuals are all searching for alternative, eco-friendly products to substitute those with more detrimental effects on the planet. We are finding that hemp can help here too!

The use of hemp is, once again, booming. This resurgence is of huge benefit to the natural environment, and economies across the globe. Below, we’ve taken a look at some of the primary benefits of hemp growth and production on the environment and how this resurgent industry is having a positive effect.

A Greener Alternative for Unsustainable Products

Many of the products we rely on day-to-day are considered unsustainable. The clothing we wear, the materials used to construct buildings and the fossil fuels extracted from the earth to heat our homes and run our cars and power stations. The search and development of bio-based alternatives has never been more urgent. Converting plants and using them as substitutes are becoming the norm, and for a good reason.

A report highlighting the impact of the construction industry from the Guardian states that ‘making one tonne of steel emits 1.46 tonnes of CO2 and 198kg of CO2 to create one tonne of reinforced concrete’. The alternative to this is ‘one square metre of timber-framed, hemp-lime wall, after allowing for the energy cost of transporting and assembling, actually stores 35.5kg of CO2’. There’s an obvious, and a very sobering difference in the impact of the materials used.

Reports on fast-fashion and cotton production are published on daily basis. The impact on the environment of the industries is in-comprehendible. Fibres from polyester, a fabric derived from fossil fuels, are seeping into the water supply and are contributing the world-wide micro-plastic epidemic. While the emissions from the fashion industry are at an all-time high and predicted to continue to rise, pair this with the intensity of the water required, and the production of clothing can have an eye-watering impact. The potential conqueror of this industry and an eco-friendly alternative is the wonder plant, hemp. When used for clothing, the material is breathable, sustainable, biodegradable, soft and long-lasting, making it a fantastic, environmentally friendly alternative for your new threads.

clothing rail

Absorbs CO2

Plants store carbon, and it’s only released when the plant is either burnt or composted. As well as this, through replanting, more CO2 is absorbed. Compare this to products which are derived from fossil fuels, or those that rely heavily on the planet’s finite resources, such as water, and hemp becomes an increasingly appealing option in the fight to reduce CO2.

Requires Little Water to Grow

Much like tough garden weeds, hemp needs very little water to thrive, the plant appreciates well-draining soils and is relatively draught-tolerant. When compared to alternatives, it requires very little water, as an example, ‘hemp uses one-quarter of the water’ that cotton requires to grow! This might not seem important in soggy Britain, but water is an increasingly scarce resource in many poor countries and it is critical to find cash crops that are water-efficient.

Multiple Uses and Minimal Waste from the Product

The uses of hemp are increasing daily as new products are that leverage this incredibly versatile material. From paper and plastics to guitars and cosmetics, construction materials, fuel and much more! It has been used for thousands of years, in thousands of products! The multiple uses of the material mean that very little goes to waste. When harvested, the seed, flowers, leaves, stems and stalks can all be processed into something useful.

Pollen Source

Hemp growers across the globe have reported a recognisable and welcomed buzz across their farms. Insects and bees flock to the crops while they’re flowering to gather all-important pollen. Species of moths, midges, wasps, flies, beetles and even ants are pollinators who travel to the hemp plantations to gather the sweet nectar. The honey produced by hives which forage on hemp is incredibly delicious too!

lots of wasps

Naturally resistant to many pests, allowing for reduced pesticide use
to produce a bountiful crop, many natural fibres rely heavily on pesticides. Hemp is a resilient plant and doesn’t require pesticides or herbicides to grow, and in fact, all of our products are grown under organic conditions, including our hemp CBD oil and CBD BITES! Organically produced, hemp can promote a healthy ecosystem, while encouraging wildlife. Pesticides not only kill beneficial insects, but they can also pollute our water and air, and quickly enter our food chain and then into us.

Improves Soil

Hemp plants have a root system that journeys deep into the ground; some have been known to grow up to three meters! This type of underground network can help to prevent soil erosion, as the earth is kept together with the connecting roots. Soil that is damaged and lacking an organic net such as a root system is more likely to erode.

We’ve only touched upon the many benefits of hemp and the environment. This wonder plant is being shown to improve people’s health, as well as the natural world around us! Its uses and benefits are astounding, and we’re proud to be part of the hemp revolution!