More people are aware now about the importance of keeping life in balance. There are times when all of us experience moments of stress, but creating routines and spaces that allow us to decompress is vital for living in a way that feels positive and whole.
For some, maintaining a balanced lifestyle in the modern world can feel more challenging than ever. While our CBD balms and oils can help, they are only one part of a puzzle that is complex but can be achieved by anyone committed to change.
If you’re looking for some lifestyle inspiration, here are some top tips on achieving and maintaining balance in your life.
Understand Your Goals and Priorities
Creating and keeping a balanced lifestyle is not something achieved on a whim, no matter what other people may make you believe. Achieving this kind of balance requires thought and preparation, especially if you’re considering your long-term hopes and dreams.
The first step is to consider what matters most to you out of everything in the world. This stage can be quite tricky at first, as it involves asking serious and challenging questions about yourself.
Filter your hopes and dreams, focusing on those that have the potential to be realised if you committed to them. Write these ambitions down and make them a priority for the next stages.
Create Time for Yourself
One of the most common reasons why our lives become unsettled is because they’ve become ‘too busy’. Whether its stress at work, as a parent or whatever else, excess pressure can lead to feelings of time running away. Perhaps worse than that is how stress can make us not make the most of what free time we have.
If you struggle to find the time to focus on yourself and your needs, create some for yourself. For some, this can feel impossible, but the best way is to take a step back and break your days down into hour blocks.
See if you can streamline parts of your day to create at least one hour each day that is truly yours. Once you have this, make sure you spend it on yourself. Peaceful tasks such as meditation, yoga or reading can be beneficial for removing the stress of a day, allowing you to feel more refreshed and balanced.

Consider Your Health
Very few of us really enjoy exercise or dieting. However, it’s undeniable that physical health plays a massive part in our mental health and overall wellbeing.
If you want to create a more balanced lifestyle with a positive outlook, you should consider your exercise and eating habits. Keeping active is vital for helping us feel more energised on a daily basis. Eating the right foods is also essential for energy and brainpower.
Sometimes, it might just be a small switch that’s required. Consider making your meals instead of visiting the same café, or join your local running club for some scheduled exercise every week. Even a small step can help on the path to a more balanced lifestyle.

Embrace Development
Whenever you make a significant life change, there are going to be obstacles. You can also be guaranteed that there will be times you make a bad or wrong decision. However, if you’re committed to the practice and the ambitions outlined earlier, you must embrace these mini mistakes.
This point can often be the difference between a new trend or a significant shift in your life. Any challenging moments you meet need to be embraced as opportunities for personal development instead of being viewed as shortcomings.
By taking pride in your new challenges, you’ll find new sources of personal energy which help propel you to new heights, whether that’s achieving something new or simply living a calmer, more peaceful existence than before.

Accept and Give Love
This point might feel a bit cliché, but it’s hugely important in an increasingly detached modern world. Similar to how laughter and yawns spread across a room, love and compassion can be shared in the same way, but you must be open and prepared to receive.
In this instance, we’re not talking about romantic love but the simple kindness and compassion that can be shown to anyone, be it a friend or stranger. Providing these little moments of everyday kindness will not only create a more positive atmosphere but also make you more receptive to love from others. It may sound crazy, but try to be a little more compassionate to everyone, and you’ll soon understand what we mean!
Maintaining a balanced lifestyle can be a challenge, especially with no real end goal, but it’s also a hugely rewarding endeavour. Whether CBD is part of your life or not, we wish you all the best in creating a more positive balance for yourself!