team of rowers on a boat

How Sport Can Improve Mental Health

Exercise has long been hailed as ‘nature’s antidepressant’ and there is a good reason for this. Exercise can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety and help improve self-esteem and positive feelings.

How Does Exercise Improve Mental Health?

Exercising triggers the release of brain chemicals that increase our happiness and our relaxation, and usually, sport is a great form of exercise.

A study from the Mental Health Foundation showed that participants had an elevated mood after 30 minutes, from some form of exercise. This could have been anything from gardening to walking, in comparison to those who participated in an inactive activity such as reading.

The benefits of sport on your mental health

person doing a sit up

Sports Encourages Friendship

Friendships are one of the most important relationships we have in our lives and are crucial to mental health. When it comes to sport, if you are part of a team, this is the perfect environment for friendships to blossom. Team sport relies on trust and loyalty and these two components can facilitate bonding. Having friendship in your life is an innate need for the majority of us and fulfilling this boosts our mental health.

Sport Reduces Depression and Stress

Being physically active takes your mind away from daily stressors. It only has one thing to focus on, and that is what sport you are participating in right at that moment. When you are exercising, the process reduces the stress hormones in your body and stimulates the production of endorphins and endocannabinoids. These are chemicals that can help keep stress at bay and alleviate depression and anxiety symptoms.

person doing exercises on floor

Sports Improve Sleeping Habits

Sleep is absolutely vital to us. Not only is it important to how our body can perform, but it’s also very important to how our brain performs. Lack of sleep can cause all sorts of issues, ranging from hormonal imbalances, tiredness, and a slower rate of healing, amongst others. Sport helps us get a much better quality of sleep, which of course has a positive effect on our mental health.

Sport Boosts Your Self Confidence

Sport usually offers a chance to practice regular exercise. Because of this, we are able to see our stamina, flexibility, endurance and other skills improve over time, which can be a great confidence booster. Along with physical health improving, the energy that comes with it will only fuel the desire to keep practising the sport, and in turn, progress with it. This will reinforce that you are capable of anything you set your mind to!

Sport Boosts Your Cognitive Function

Did you know, exercise boosts your brain function? According to Start Active, Stay Active (2011), there is clear evidence that daily physical activity can reduce the risk of cognitive decline in adults, with a risk reduction of 20-30%, of those developing dementia. It is also said that physical exercise can reduce the likelihood of experiencing cognitive decline in people who don’t have dementia. Keeping your cognition as healthy as possible can help prevent mental health issues, as mental health issues are associated with a disruptive cognition.

person doing yoga on beach

Sport and Mental Resilience

Engaging in sport and exercise is a healthy and effective way to cope with life stressors, rather than turning to substances such as alcohol, smoking, or other negative behaviours that could further the issues of mental health problems and worsen your physical state. When faced with mental or emotional challenges, sport gives one of the best kinds of healthy relief, and along with this, regular exercise improves your immune system which is important for both physical and mental resilience.

Sport and Hemp

There are numerous benefits of taking hemp oil for sport. Quality hemp products are rich in CBDA, which acts as an anti-inflammatory, and in CBD, which preserves the nerve cells structure and function. Hemp can also help speed up the recovery process after sport, which means you can get back to exercising in no time, enabling you to keep a routine that supports both your physical and mental health.


Participating in sports is a fantastic way to improve your health. Not only by having the support of peers and building friendships but also for the physical effects it has on your body. Why not try out a new sport?

Here at ElleVance Sciences, we have a range of supplements that can support your active lifestyle. Read here to find out how CBD oil can improve wellbeing and give our online store a browse!

graphic of a cbd molecule

What’s the Difference Between CBD and THC?

CBD is a buzzword taking the internet by storm at the moment, and for good reason. But, with so many terms being brought into the light, it might be hard to keep up with what exactly they all mean. CBD and THC may be used in the same sentence, and while they are structurally similar, they are worlds apart as compounds and can have polar opposite effects on the body.

Interestingly, it has been said that scientists have actually identified over 200 different cannabinoids within the cannabis plant family, though the cannabinoids you will most commonly hear about are CBD and THC.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at what the difference is between CBD and THC.

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is a compound found in the hemp plant. The hemp plant is part of the cannabis family. CBD can be extracted from many cannabis plants, but hemp itself contains higher concentrations of CBD, whereas other plants are higher in different compounds. When extracted from the plant, CBD is typically made into a universal oil. This oil can then be sold in a variety of different food supplements such as bottled oil, capsules, bites and plenty more options.

graphic of a CBD molecule
Image attribution: Benjah-bmm27

What is THC?

THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol, a chemical compound that is found in marijuana plants, relatives to hemp plants. Unlike the CBD compound, the THC compound creates a psychoactive effect on the brain, which is what causes the “high” sensation. It is because of this, there is also a chance of negative side effects.

THC is currently illegal in Britain, with the one exception of a prescription allowance from a specialist, when in dire cases, other medical treatment may not have worked.

graphic of a THC molecule
Image attribution: Benjah-bmm27

CBD vs THC: Chemical Structure

Despite both compounds creating drastically different effects, interestingly, CBD and THC both are very similar molecules. However, THC’s molecule structure is fairly planar whereas CBD’s molecule has a bent arrangement. It is only a slight deviation in the arrangement of atoms that create such vastly different effects on the body.

Both CBD and THC belong to a group of molecules called cannabinoids, more precisely, as these molecules are produced by plants, they are called “phytocannabinoids” (“Phyto” means “of a plant”). These and other phytocannabinoids interact with your endocannabinoid system.

The Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system is a natural system in your body which plays an important role in various parts of functions and processes such as mood, memory, appetite and sleep. The interaction with cannabinoids also impacts the nervous system, by engaging with neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are responsible for relaying messages between the neurons (that is, the cells of the nervous system). Cannabinoids also help to modulate other vital functions such as the immune response, stress and sleep.

Our Bodies Naturally Produce Cannabinoids

Did you know our body produces our own cannabinoids? These molecules are called “endocannabinoids” (“Endo” meaning “internal”).
Fascinatingly, different compounds bind to different receptors and different receptors dictate what effects the compounds will have on the body.

CBD vs THC: Supporting the Body

Both CBD and THC compounds do work together, however, they both support the body in varying ways and can also be used completely separately to one another, though CBD by itself holds up much better than THC in terms of benefits.

brown capsules with cbd oil

The Difference in Medicine

THC is derived from the marijuana plant, and is used with a focus neurological conditions such as epilepsy, spasms, addictions, neurological pain and have been used to manage certain side effects of chemotherapy (such as vomit and nausea) and loss of appetite and weight loss in patients with HIV infection. THC can only be used when prescribed by a physician and it is rarely used.

CBD is Common

CBD derived from the hemp plant is now used as a food supplement across the world. Even in rather small amounts, CBD (cannabidiol) can support various functions of the body such as joints, and cellular health. It can also be beneficial to wellbeing and supports an active lifestyle.

CBD vs THC: Conclusion

While these compounds share almost an identical atom structure, they also offer very distinct differences on the body, and both come from different types of cannabis plants.
It’s important to know that CBD is non-psychoactive and completely legal to use as a food supplement in the UK.

CBD is growing in popularity, and as research is pushed to the forefront of mainstream news, there is a growing number of the variety of products that are available, such as CBD oil or CBD capsules, which means there is something to suit everyone’s needs and lifestyle. For more information on our products, take a look at our website.

graph showing modulation of the endocannabinoid system

Four Reasons Why CBD Oil may not be Working for You

It might seem a little disheartening when you’re able to read so many raving reviews about CBD oil and how many people are reaping the benefits, but nothing feels like it’s changing for you. There are several reasons why CBD oil might not be working for you; take a look at our list and see if any of them are relevant!

1 – Your CBD Product Isn’t from a Reputable Source

As trends come and go, so does the supply and demand, and this is where CBD is no different. There are many distributors of CBD all over the UK now trying to catch up with the interest and curiosity of the general public. But with great power comes great responsibility, and unfortunately, some distributors lack the second part.

Just like with anything, many products are claiming to be what they aren’t or claiming to contain something that they don’t, and this can be particularly damaging when it comes to products intended for wellness.
If you end up with a CBD oil that isn’t what it says it is, this can lead to disappointing results.


Because CBD oil isn’t a regulated medicinal product, companies selling these products can say what they like on their labels. The authorities (like FSA or MHRA) cannot check every single ‘non-regulated’ product out there and hence a dishonest label may only come to their attention when something goes wrong or when someone denounces it. But products with little or no CBD may just pass under the radar because they would be as safe as virgin olive oil – some of them may be ‘just’ virgin olive oil! To avoid falling into this trap, look for companies that sell CBD with a certificate issued by a well-known independent laboratory that indicates what is inside the bottle.

small bottle and pipette filled with cd oil

2 – You Need to Build CBD up in Your System

CBD works in our body’s Endocannabinoid System. This is one of the many different communication systems of our nervous system. Communication in the nervous system involves “senders”, “messages”, “receivers”, and “feedbacks”. CBD and other cannabinoids in full-spectrum hemp products act as “messages” and “feedbacks” to help to modulate this communication. Therefore they can be more effective the more “senders” and “receivers” there are.

Adapt and Build

Our organisms need to adapt to CBD and research has shown that a slightly higher dose for a week allows the body to tune-up and become more responsive to the cannabinoids in complete hemp extracts. Then you can gradually reduce the dose until you find what works best for your body and well-being.

If you want to know more about how your nervous system communicates, you can watch this short video from

3 – You Need a Different Method of Taking CBD

You will have most probably heard that the most common delivery of CBD is a drop of oil under the tongue, sublingually. Some research has shown that the mucous membranes in the mouth can absorb the cannabinoids efficiently. However, we now know that absorption down the gastrointestinal tract is also very good, especially when CBD is taken together with fatty food.

A good quality full-spectrum hemp oil will smell and taste strong and that can put some people off. Taste-free products are easier to take but are lacking a lot of the beneficial terpenes and cannabinoids. So, if you cannot endure the taste of a good CBD oil you need to look for a different method of taking rather than for a lesser quality product.

Flavourless gel capsules are a great alternative to take full-spectrum hemp extract and reap all its benefits without noticing the taste or smell of it.

small capsules of cbd oil

4 – CBD Just Isn’t for You

This is the worst-case scenario, but there is a chance that it might just not be for you, which is the same for every product out there. There are varying factors that will affect how your body responds to CBD and if it can at all. These factors include your biochemistry, genetics and metabolism. For instance, you may produce a high level of “messages” and “feedbacks” or you may have a low number of “receivers” and adding CBD will make no difference to you.

Interestingly, a study conducted found that those with a genetic mutation produced extra cannabinoids. If you happen to fall into that category, it could be that you don’t notice much of a difference when you take CBD.

If you’re ready to give CBD oil a try, then why not browse our online store!