Alfie W

Dr Dave Tittle | BVetMed | CertVA | MRCVS | GP Certificate in Western Veterinary Acupuncture and Chronic Pain Management | RCVS Advanced Practitioner Veterinary Anaesthesia

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Case History

  • Name: Alfie W
  • Age: 10 years 4 months
  • Sex: ME
  • Species: Dog
  • Breed: Collie X
  • Lifestyle: Sedentary
  • A brief history of the animal’s family history:
    Rescued from DogsTrust around four years old. History of seizures, which are managed by standard veterinary anti-epileptics.
  • Interventions:
    Advised strict weight loss regime – to date this has not been successful.
  • A brief history of the problem which animal is being treated for:
    Cluster seizures weekly, despite current medications. Potassium bromide made unacceptably sedate. Anxious dog, who likes routine. The owner feels that anxiety may trigger seizures, which are usually at home and at night.

Examination findings

Supportive media:

(click image to enlarge)


Current Medication

Active Proprietary name Dose
Imepitoin Pexion 800mg BID
Phenobarbitone Epityl 150mg BID
Levetiracetam Keppra 500mg TID

New Treatment 

Active Proprietary name Dose
CBD/CBDA/Terpene ElleVance 70mg BID
Dosed 2mg/Kg based on lean body weight

Special instructions: 
Aim to increase the exercise regime and weight loss.

Owner education:
Strive to decrease weight, especially as his mobility improves. Requested to keep a seizure diary.

Measurable outcomes and Conclusion

Seizure frequency has decreased from one weekly to approximately one fortnightly following the addition of ElleVance, in addition to recognised anti-epileptic therapeutics. Seizures only occurred when his owners have been away from home, and Alfie has been looked after by their daughter. Besides, a notable improvement in mobility has been noted. He remains overweight – weight loss has been unsuccessful.

Remaining problems and goals:
Weight management, which will inevitably increase his mobility and quality of life.

Conclusion/ Discussion:
Addition of Ellevance appears to have decreased seizure frequency and has reduced the duration and severity of seizures.