Stress, worry, anxiety and struggling to sleep can sometimes be your body’s response to outside pressures and influences. It is always essential to deal with stress when it arises. However, in light of the recent events surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19, some people may be experiencing elevated levels of worry and stress. With this in mind, we are sharing with you some information on how you can help you and your family to de-stress and unwind.
NB – If you are experiencing severe levels of anxiety and are worried, please speak to a healthcare professional as soon as possible by calling your GP surgery or 111. For the recommended guidance on how to protect you and your family, please visit the government’s advice page on

What is Stress?
It is important to remember that stress, and the situations that cause it, will vary from person to person. The broad definition of stress is feeling overwhelmed, unable to cope or unable to manage a situation; however, it is generally accepted that it doesn’t have to be so severe to be considered a problem.
Stress can be caused by a vast range of reasons including work, family, relationship and money problems or worries. Some people also experience stress as part of broader societal or economic circumstances, such as damage to the environment or, as we have seen recently, a pandemic.
What are the Effects of Stress?
Stress is a natural adaptive response by our bodies caused by the release of stress hormones that trigger our natural ‘fight or flight’ response. It is not always negative as these hormones can help us to respond quickly to dangerous situations.
However, long term stress can result in damage to both physical and mental health.

How can I De-Stress and Unwind?
If stress or worry is having a negative impact on your life, it is essential to take steps to try and reduce it. The following advice can be applied in many stressful situations.
Spending a few minutes focusing purely on deep breathing can help to lower heart rate and distract a racing mind. Stop and breathe in and out, counting to three each time if you can. Remind yourself that everything is going to be okay and there are always options.
Talk to Someone
If stress is overwhelming and you feel unable to cope, it is a good idea to speak to someone. It can be a professional or a friend. If you are unable to visit them physically, even a simple phone call can help significantly. Do not feel as though you are an unnecessary burden to friends or family. Stress and anxiety can sometimes cause people to become emotionally isolated, which can aggravate symptoms further.
Switch Off
Switching off both in a mental and literal sense may be necessary and helpful. In the current circumstances regarding the coronavirus outbreak, many individuals are finding that continuous news coverage and constant updates are causing higher levels of anxiety. If this is the case, take a break from the news and screen time such as social media, and do something relaxing, such as reading, drawing or watching a film.

Practice Methods to Reduce Anxiety
There are plenty of other methods out there that are useful tools to reduce feelings of worry, anxiety or stress. Meditation and exercise are both scientifically proven to help. CBD oil and, most notably, cannabinoids and terpenes rich hemp extracts, are also known to help reduce stress. Several studies showed the positive effects of complete-spectrum extracts on sleep and anxious feelings. If you would like some more advice on how CBD / CBDA rich hemp extracts could help you, please get in touch via social media, we are happy to chat.
ElleVance Sciences manufacture and supply high-strength, quality CBD / CBDA products. Our oil contains a unique blend of terpenes, CBD and CBDA to provide full system support and maintain the bodies endocannabinoid system.