Can You Get High On Hemp Or CBD Products?
Can You Get High on Hemp or CBD Products?
No. To be sold legally, hemp and CBD products must contain ‘non-detectable’ levels of THC. THC (which stands for Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), is the chemical that causes the psychoactive effect of feeling high.
CBD (cannabidiol), on the other hand, is non-psychoactive.
There are many different strains of the Cannabis Sativa plant and hemp is chosen specifically for its elevated levels of CBD and low levels of other cannabinoids.
Hemp plants were cultivated over many centuries to produce fibre for clothing and rope, seeds for food and for its health benefits– but it was not bred to make you high.
Chemical Structure
While the chemical structures of CBD and THC are similar, they have drastically different effects on the body. THC’s molecule structure is somewhat planar, whereas CBD’s molecule has a bent arrangement.
Because of this, THC binds to the specific receptors of the endocannabinoid system that are responsible for the psychoactive effect. CBD, on the other hand, does not bind to the endocannabinoid system receptors. CBD modulates the cannabinoids produced by our bodies, causing them to become more productive.
Uses of CBD
Medicinal Uses
THC is illegal in the UK and many other countries around the world. CBD, on the other hand, is now commonly found in food supplements, the use of which is safe and legal.
People find its benefits to range from helping with sleep and anxiety issues to dealing with joint and muscle pain as well as supporting general wellbeing and an active lifestyle.
CBD is also present in some medicinal products. These medications intended to treat a reduced number of ailments and only medical doctors can prescribe them.
Why ElleVance?
At ElleVance, we focus on the continued testing and clinical research of our CBD products. Using the latest equipment, we employ highly trained professionals to research both the quality and effectiveness of our concentrated hemp extract and its effects. Our products also contain a unique blend of CBD, CBDA and terpenes (with NO THC), designed to create a full-spectrum profile.
Our product has a high concentration of cannabinoids – not just CBD – meaning you get more mg per ml. Many companies offer a cheaper watered-down solution that will have less of an effect.