If you’re thinking about starting to take CBD or if you’re already taking a daily dosage; it can be challenging to navigate the sea of information available to understand what is fact and what is fiction.
CBD has a wealth of benefits to offer people, both in terms of general wellbeing and for more targeted applications. However, the broad range of claims made about the medicinal properties of CBD – some of which have little or no research behind them – can deter some people from using the product. In this article, we aim to lay some myths to rest and to use hard evidence as a basis for doing so.
Myth: There’s Not Enough Scientific Research on CBD and Other Cannabinoids

There’s a lot of unsubstantiated claims and anecdotal evidence available, which is often easier to stumble across online. But, there is also an overwhelmingly large number of scientifically sound studies being conducted at renowned research centres across the world. These scientists are looking at the properties of CBD, CBDA, CBG and other cannabinoids, how they can support wellbeing, and help in the management of specific diseases.
Testing cannabinoids for each of their potential applications is a timely process. However, for instance, initial studies have found that CBD may help with falling asleep and staying asleep, thus helping those who have insomnia. Numerous studies have been done on the anti-inflammatory application, along with lowering neuropathic pain from conditions such as arthritis.
We expect to see more concrete evidence come to light over the next couple of years concerning the positive effects of CBD, CBDA, CBG and other major cannabinoids and their potential applications. Although, as not all hemp products offer the same concentration of active ingredient (something we’ll mention further down the article), comparing them is a challenge.
Myth: The Type of CBD I Take Doesn’t Matter
This is a big myth and one that catches many people out. There are three main types of CBD available:
Isolate: These products contain only CBD and not any other cannabinoids, terpenes or flavonoids.
Broad-Spectrum: These products will contain measurable amounts of more than one cannabinoid but may not include all the terpenes. Moreover, within this category, you will find products containing 99% of one cannabinoid and 1% of another one, as well as products including, e.g. 20% of five different cannabinoids. In other words, it’s a very “broad” category.
Full-Spectrum – These products will contain all the cannabinoids and terpenes that are naturally found in the cannabis plant. If the product derives from hemp, it may include trace amounts (that is, tiny and legal) of THC.
Isolate products are typically used by people looking to enjoy a specific benefit from the CBD. This could be for anxiety, trouble sleeping or muscle recovery. Generally, they are taken at a particular time to match their needs, such as just before bed or just after a workout.
Full and broad-spectrum are generally taken daily, either once or twice, with people generally feeling less stressed and less tired throughout the day. It’s important to note that in the UK, products that contain above 0.2% THC can be classified as illegal substances; therefore, any CBD products you purchase should always contain below that amount.
Myth: I’ll Get High From Taking CBD

When people hear that CBD products are a product of the hemp plant, the initial reaction is to associate that with cannabis and marijuana. This is a natural reaction since our brains have been wired to think this way about illegal drugs.
However, depending on the cultivar and the manufacturing process, CBD products will contain either 0% THC or under 0.2% of THC. These products are entirely legal to use and hardly unlikely to produce any psychotropic effect.
Myth: There’s No Clear Regulations for CBD So I Shouldn’t Take It
The hemp industry is regulated by several different bodies – both nationally and internationally. However, unlike other sectors, there is little harmonisation across the regulations in place, which leads to confusion and, inevitably invites unscrupulous organisations to exploit the gaps for their benefit. In the UK, for instance, Hemp products are regulated by the Home Office (HO), the Food Standard Agency (FSA), the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and other central and regional regulatory bodies.
When a company wants to launch a new product, it has to comply with the rules set by each of the applicable bodies government. However, there is no pre-market assessment of this compliance as there is with pharmaceutical products, for example. Regulators can only take a product off the market and, where applicable, penalise the seller, if and when they find it not to be compliant. By when this happens – if it ever happens – consumers could have been exposed to the product for a long time. It would be helpful if clearer and more meaningful set guidelines were established. But for the time being, it is down to you – the consumer – to ensure that you chose the most suitable product.
We’d also suggest looking into the background and ethics of the manufacturing companies. At ElleVance, we grow our proprietary hemp and ensure all of our products are tested by accredited laboratories and contain everything we mark on our label. This gives our customers the peace of mind of knowing what they are consuming.
The regulatory situation described above allows for companies to take advantage of the market and propose products that do not honour what they claim on the label. Again, we would encourage everyone considering taking CBD to do thorough research into the various manufacturers and make sure they know what you are buying.
ElleVance Sciences manufacture high-quality products and supply CBD oil to the UK. Our products have been tested by an accredited laboratory in the US to ensure that they contain a unique blend of terpenes, CBD and CBDA.